Philippine National Railways

The Philippine National Railways (PNR) is the oldest railway in the Philippines. It extends southbound from Tutuban to Legazpi. It used to operate spur lines and a northbound line extending to La Union, but these lines are already defunct. Currently, it operates the Metro South Commuter and Bicol Commuter services. The Bicol Express service is in the process of revival.

The Metro South Commuter is a daily service that runs from Tutuban, Manila to Alabang, Muntinlupa or Mamatid, Laguna. Intervals between trains can range from 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the time. Almost all trips extend to Alabang; only one trip extends to Mamatid (departing trip leaves Tutuban in the evening and return trip leaves Mamatid the next day). 

The Bicol Commuter is a daily service that runs from Naga to Legazpi, both in the Bicol region. Not much data regarding its operations is available.

Various rolling stocks are used. For the Metro South Commuter, the former Japan Railways East 203 series EMU and the Hyundai Rotem DMU are utilized. The EMU's are in a 5-car formation hauled by PNR 900/2500/5000 Class Diesel Electric Locomotives (DEL) manufactured by General Electric. The DMU's, on the other hand, are in a 3-car formation; with two head cars on each end and a single intermediate car in between. For the Bicol Commuter, Kiha 350 DMU's are used, in 2-car formation, hauled by a DEL. Other rolling stocks are available but not in use, for various reasons, namely: Kiha 52, Kogane 59 (aka Premiere Train), Series 12 and 14 sleeper coaches, Northrail class coaches, etc.

PNR South Main Line for openBVE Status

Tutuban-Alabang MSC Line – COMPLETE with basic platform and roof
Alabang-Mamatid Extended MSC Line – No project planned
Mamatid-Naga No project planned
Naga-Legazpi No project planned

PNR Metro South Commuter Line for openBVE

(video by Bagong Lipunan)

Features basic platform, roofing, crossing objects and creeks. Speed limit is not strictly imposed (at 40kph).

NOTE: Pandacan Bridge was not constructed due to time constraints. The rails, however, were still set to be for a bridge (i.e. wooden ties with no ballast). Also, someone noted that the Abad Santos crossing has no crossing shed nor a signal box (contrary to the route that has those). Also, P.A. announcements are incomplete. These will be edited in the future.

Station Remarks
Tutuban Basic platform and roof
Blumentritt Basic platform and roof
Laon-Laan Basic platform and roof
Espana Basic platform and roof
Sta. Mesa Basic platform and roof
Pandacan Basic platform and roof
Paco Basic platform and roof
San Andres Basic platform and roof
Vito Cruz Basic platform and roof
Buendia Basic platform and roof
Pasay Road Basic platform and roof
EDSA-Magallanes Basic platform and roof
Nichols Basic platform and roof
FTI Basic platform and roof
Bicutan Basic platform and roof
Sucat Basic platform and roof
Alabang Basic platform and roof


PNR Metro South Commuter Line for openBVE

Rolling Stock [SOON]
203 series EMU + DEL 5001
203 series EMU (blue colors) + DEL 5001
Bicol Express 12/14 Series  + DEL 5001
Kiha 35 (Blue colors)

Contributors: Diego Roxas, Ivan Tiples


  1. More OpenBveTrainSim programs, trains, and routes at

    1. thats the confusing website, and thats the only one i can find without having to search for so long

  2. 2021 na wala paring rolling stock

  3. where the frik are the rolling stocks-
